This literature review titled “Effects of COVID-19 on Adolescent Mental Health” analyzes the psychological impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on adolescents and college students, as documented in three academic papers. These studies reveal that the pandemic has significantly heightened anxiety, depression, and stress levels in the youth and increased substance use among adolescents. Key contributing factors such as financial stress, the shift to virtual learning, social isolation, and concern for the health of family members are identified. Specific subgroups of students, including those with pre-existing mental health conditions and from lower socioeconomic backgrounds, are found to be at heightened risk. Further, the role of social support as a protective factor against mental health issues is discussed. Despite the different focus areas and methodologies of the studies, a consensus is reached on the severe impact of the pandemic on young people’s mental health. The literature review underscores the urgency for robust, tailored interventions to mitigate these adverse mental health outcomes and calls for future research to fill the gaps in knowledge.